I'm working to make North Tyneside a great place to live, work and visit.  I want our people to be able to achieve their full potential and live a happy healthy lifestyle. I want our residents to work in good, high quality secure jobs. I want our parks and beaches to continue to be award winning and I want a green revolution to improve our environment. 

Norma Redfearn

My vision for our economy

Our economy will grow by supporting new businesses and the world-class companies based here. We will ensure the right skills and conditions are in place to attract new investment, and that high-quality job and apprenticeship opportunities are available to all. Ongoing investment will make our business parks and town centres locations of choice for businesses of all sizes and in all industries.

My vision for our people

Our people will get the best start in life and have the right skills and abilities to achieve their full potential, find employment and live independently. They will be healthy and well, and be cared for and protected if they become vulnerable. Residents will be able to volunteer and do more for themselves and their local communities. They will have a council that works better for them.

My vision for our places

Our places will be clean, green, healthy, attractive and sustainable. We will be a cycle-friendly borough with effective public transport and good roads, pavements and physical infrastructure. Our coastline and town centres will be regenerated. We will offer a good choice of affordable homes and accommodation for older residents. Our award-winning parks and beaches, festivals and seasonal activities will make us a thriving place to visit.